
26 Weeks

I had so much going on last week I did not even have time for my weekly post.  One of my best friends got married last weekend, so I was busy preparing to go out of town for the weekend.  We had such a wonderful weekend, and I was so busy all weekend it took me all day Sunday and Monday afternoon to recover.  The wedding was outside and boy was it hot.  I made it a point to drink a ton of water because I did not want to get dehydrated and start having braxton hicks contractions.  I went to the Dr. last Wednesday, and she said everything looked great!

Total Weight Gain: 23 lbs according to my doctors scale.  She said she only wants me to gain 5-7 more lbs throughout the pregnancy.  I was so bummed and depressed after my visit, because I have not been super strict but I have tried to be really healthy for the most part. I really don't feel like I have gained 23 lbs either, but I'm sure her scales are accurate.  I have really started watching what I eat more, and swimming,  I am sure after this weekend I lot a few pounds from all the running around and sweating. 

Sleep: I seem to be sleeping better, I am sure its from being so busy lately.

Food /Eating: I have had a weird few days with eating.  I did not have much of an appetite over the weekend, and I thought it was from being in the heat so much, but I ended up leaving work early on Monday, because I got really sick and neasuated.  I thought it was just a spell but I woke up Tuesday morning still feeling sick, and did not have much of an appetite all day.  I am hoping it will pass soon.
Movement: He is moving around all the time now, and sometimes he kicks so hard it startles me.

Gender: Hudson Dale Graves

What I miss: I realized something new that I miss this week.  I miss being able to get right out of the bed and go.  I feel like now its a bit more of a process to get up, I have noticed that I am sore and a lot slower getting out of bed these days.  I am sure this is just the beginning, but it is something that I has just started bothering me.

What I am looking forward to: having my dr appt every two weeks now!

Best Moment of the Week: getting to hear his heartbeat.

Questions for other moms: Is it possible to have the baby blues before you give birth?  I feel like I have been in a bit of a depression lately.  Nothing major, I just feel like all I want to do is sleep.  I am not the type to wallow or feel sorry for myself, and I have found myself doing that lately.  Maybe it is just from being on the go so much and I need to slow down.

This is a picture from the rehearsal dinner this weekend.  It's not the best picture of my face, but it showed my belly the best.

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