
Wedding Day!

The night before the wedding me and most of my bridesmaids stayed at my moms house.  We woke up bright and early the next morning to start getting ready for the wedding.  I had my hair stylist and make-up artist come to my moms house that way we could all just relax, and not feel rushed.  I was surprisingly really calm the whole day....of course with the help of some champagne =). 

                             Jill getting her hair done                            

First things first...can you tell we just woke up?

Tab was up next

Waiting to get my hair done

Let the teasing begin!

The back of the final product


All ready to go

No turning back now ha ha!

1 comment:

  1. Finally catching up on reading blogs today! I loved reading all of your posts from your wedding! Absolutely gorgeous day for you!
