
20 Weeks

We are halfway there!  It's still hard to believe.  I feel like I am going to wake up, and he is going to be here.  Thankfully the nausea has subsided, and I have not had to take Zofran in over a week.  Here is what has been going on the last few weeks.

Total Weight Gain:  As of my ob appointment on Monday I have gained 7lbs total.  I feel like working out has really paid off this pregnancy.  I have gained less than half of what I had at this point in my first pregnancy.  I can honestly say my diet is not that great.  It's not horrible, but I am definitely not eating the way I would if I were not pregnant.  I plan on continuing to workout until I can't anymore.  I am running a 5K Thanksgiving Day, so I am going to start incorporating more running.

Sleep:  Ever since Hudson got sick he has not slept well, so that means none of us have.  Last night was the first full nights sleep any of us has had in two weeks.  Hopefully he is going to get back on track with sleeping all night in his bed.  As for me, I feel like I would be sleeping much better if Hudson didn't wake me up.  I still go to bed early, but I am usually up several times to pee either way.

Food/Eating: I rarely have aversions anymore.  Just smells get to me sometimes.  I am still on Simply Apple, and soda.  Cinnamon rolls have been a new craving for me, and any kind of breakfast food.  Again, this is odd because I don't typically like breakfast food, and almost never want something sweet for breakfast.

Movement:  That whole bit about him not being as active as Hudson was a false alarm.  Now that I can feel him move, it seems like he doesn't stop.  He especially loves night time.  When we were getting our ultrasound he would not stop moving long enough to get pictures.  Every time she thought she could get one, he would flip over.  Looks like we have another busy bee on our hands.

Gender: BOY!  I really admire people who can go the whole pregnancy without finding out, but one thing I love about knowing is being able to call him by name.  I no longer have to refer to him as "it."  I will tell you all his name next week.  We absolutely love his name, and it has such special meaning to both of us.

What I miss:  We had our monthly progressive dinner party last weekend, and I really missed drinking with everyone.  It is only in social settings like that when I really miss drinking.

Best Moment of the Week: Being able to see our sweet baby, and knowing that he is healthy.  It is exciting to find out gender, but the 20 week ultrasound makes me so nervous, because I worry they will find something wrong.  Thankfully, baby boy looks great so far.

I have a few more pictures from the gender reveal, and one of me from this week.  It's not great, but it will do.

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