IT'S A BOY!!!!
That's right friends, we are welcoming another baby boy in March 2014. As I have mentioned before I have not had a feeling what this baby is from the beginning. Well, the night before our ultrasound I had a dream it was a girl. Going into the ultrasound I had convinced myself it was a girl. After going through all of the organs, and confirming we have a healthy baby (which is the most important thing,) it didn't take her long to see the little private parts. I think I saw it about the same time she did. We did things a little different this time around. My Dr sends her patients to have a high risk ultrasound done, because they can check for a lot more than she can. Being there are many women who come there with problems they only allow a max of three people in the room. Last time both of our moms, and my sister in law came, and they had to switch out being in the room. This time we decided it would only be fair if Luke and I were the only two that went, and everyone else would find out together. I have no idea how people wait days to tell friends and family, because I was busting at the seams waiting a few hours. Not to mention it was hard talking to my mom and not spilling the beans. We had close friends and family meet at a pizza place by our house, and I made cupcakes with blue filling. We let our moms bite into the cupcakes to reveal the gender. I didn't get any pictures of them eating the cupcakes because I wanted to watch it myself. I am trying to get my sister to send me some, and I will post them with my 20 week update. My mom had convinced herself it was a girl, so she was pretty shocked. I would say the group was probably 50/50. Either way we are so thrilled to have a healthy baby. I know Hudson will love having a little brother, and they will be so close growing up. It will be really easy to prepare for this baby, because I pretty much have everything I need in the boy department. Thanks for everyone who came out to celebrate, and all the well wishes!
Congrats, friend! Two sweet boys - how special! So happy for you!!